Thursday, March 4, 2010

Awesome Frozen Yogurt Ideas Yield Delicious Results

So yesterday I spent sometime at Hannah's apartment after class. While she was updating her blog, and figuring what cupcake she would make this week, she brought up the idea to make ice cream.....homemade, which is basically the yummiest thing in the whole wide world. Anyway she said she had an old fashion ice cream churning gadget, so she brought it out and gave me the directions. After reading the directions and finding out that it took more than 4 hours to produce said ice cream, we were disappointed and a bit sad. :( After the disappointment of not having any ice cream had set in, i asked if she would be up to a new adventure, and like always she was happy to partake in my madness. I suggested that we make frozen yogurt! We got real excited and wanted to make it right then and there, but we didn't have all the ingredients. I was headed out to get my haircut anyway since I had grown it out for Carousel , it was getting annoying. So off I go, I get my haircut, then head to Schnucks and pick up a couple cans of orange juice concentrate, a couple bags of frozen berries, and as I look at the yogurt I think to myself, "JoJo, will all these ingredients equally put out the right taste when we put them with the yogurt?" As I traveled down the isle back and forth from the cashier to the yogurt area I finally just decided to get two tubs of yogurt instead of one. So back to Hannah's I go, I get there and we mix everything together pop it in the fridge and go on about our evening. 30 minutes pass by and she realized that we didnt put the vanilla extract in, so i make a mad dash to make sure that the vanilla has time to mix and fuse with the other ingredients. 4 hours and mixings every hour later we pop out the most delicious bowl of froyo I have ever seen. Hannah says she would like chunks of fruit in her yogurt and so she gets out her little cups and we do expert plating with frozen berries on top of our froyo. It was a very productive and yummy day, and what better way to end a day than to watch Cinderella with my amazing girlfriend, who is absolutely in love with Disney Princesses. :)

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